Portrait photograph – jamescphotos©

I took this photograph of a street performer within Stoke-on-Trent. The photograph is lit only by natural light during the day, I feel this has provided the photograph with much stronger highlights and has highlighted the subject within the photograph effectively. I also feel that the lighting has provided higher contrast providing greater depth of field as the subject appears much closer than the dark background. My photograph is empathetic towards the subject as I have captured them in motion making them appear glamorous, because of this I feel that the genre is a mix of both art and fashion. – jamescphotos©


Derelict Pottery Factory in Stoke-on-Trent – jamescphotos©

Stoke-on-Trent was once well known for its pottery industry although during recent years the industry has somewhat disappeared, leaving most pottery factories and kilns within Stoke abandoned. Recently I gained access to one of these building and decided to photograph it from both the inside and out. I decided to shoot the photographs within black and white in order to provide a gloomier emotive feel to the shoot, Here are some shots. – jamescphotos©

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